
Otro sitio realizado con WordPress

  • They work everywhere. Animated GIFs have excellent browser support because they work like images. They are small in file size and play automatically. Use them in websites, presentations, emails, and more.
  • Ridiculously easy to use. Just download the images and you’re ready to go! The animation is part of the image. Complex CSS or SVG animations could take dozens, even hundreds, of lines of code to implement.
  • Flexible and customizable. Animaticon animated GIFs are designed to be colored, tinted, and tweaked to fit your style. Visit the Tips & Tricks page to see how.
  • No plugins or libraries needed. No need for additional plugins like Flash or Silverlight, or libraries like jQuery or Snap.svg. Animated GIFs are ready to use as soon as you download them, and work anywhere that images work.

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